Wednesday, July 10, 2013

What I'm Loving Wednesday! My first ever link up

For the first time ever I am linking up with this kind of love for What I'm Loving Wednesday! 

I'm Loving my Birthday Girl! Happy 1st birthday to my little Pitters today! I can't believe how time has flown or that she is going to be a big sister in only 2 months. Craziness!! 

I'm Loving this crazy smurf style cake smash photo from Pitter's Birthday Party last weekend!

I'm Loving my sweet big girl, Churro! Even if she loves disgusting foods that no one else should ever eat. Here she is eating Seaweed crisps this week from our Love with Food box (barf!)

I'm Loving Convos With My 2 Year Old! I completely see my own 3 year old in these. She loves to tell people what to say right now and this episode's dancing is an awful lot like her dancing skills. 

I'm Loving that today was pay day and I got to order a bunch of stuff from my baby registry for my Little Bug. I also love that I only have 8 more weeks to go until we get to meet her.

I'm Loving air conditioning! Being 32 weeks pregnant when its 90*+ outside without AC would be hell on earth. I wish I could personally thank the person who invented air conditioning. I *might* kiss them. 

I guess that is everything! What are you loving this week?

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